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Advanced 3D Game Creation and Scripting

Made in Unreal using blueprints, there are two game modes for this game. Survival, where you have to survive by killing the AI trying to kill you; Then, death match where two people can play death match up to a certain amount of points.



The game has two game modes, survival and death match. In the survival game mode the players must run around to pick up weapons and ammo that randomly spawns to defend themselves from the enemy AI that constantly spawns. Both players have a combined 3 lives, after these have run out, the game ends.


There is a manger in the game that handles the spawning AI. At the very start of the game there are only allowed to be three enemies in the arena at once, but as the players score increases the manager allows more AI to spawn making the game much harder.


In death match game mode the players choose a frag limit(kills to win) and similar to survival there are guns that spawn around the arena and the two players must fight each other. For this game mode it is the same arena map but with some obstacles the players can take cover behind.


During this project I was able to advanced my knowledge in programming by using different techniques  to make the game. A main example of this is inheritance. For my weapons I made a base gun which simply could shoot, had ammo etc. Then I inherited off this to make a rifle and machine gun. as well as for my projectile weapons, grande launcher and rocker launcher inherited off a simple base weapon.


I did the same for pick-ups. I made a simple pickup which tells the player they have picked something up, then I was able to make a range of other things off this such as ammo, health etc.


In the survival game mode there is a trap in the middle of the map which a player is able to walk up to it and press the button. Once pressed it will spin, firing bombs around the map. The players must be careful with this because although its useful for killing the enemies, it also causes damage to them.


This was the first time I AI in a project before and although it was quite difficult at first I managed to get it working for my game. I wanted it so when they spawn they would evenly go for the players(evenly as in there aren't 8 enemies going for player 1 and 2 going for player 2) this helps keep the game balanced. 

The AI will run up to the players and hit them causing some damage but the players must watch out because the more enemies in the arena, the easier it is to get cornered. The AI was made with the Unreal State tree:

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